Our curriculum both within and beyond our classrooms

Pathways and Course Choice

S2 into S3 Course Choice

Please click here for our S2 into S3 Course Choice Booklet for session 2024-25.

Please click here for the S2 into S3 Course Choice Information Session Slides.

S3 into S4 Course Choice

Please click here for our S3 into S4 Course Choice Booklet for session 2024-25.

Please click here for our S3 into S4 Course Choice Information Session Slides.

S4 into S5 and S5 into S6 Course Choice

In this space you will find our pathway planning booklets for S4 into S5 and S5 into S6 when we launch course choice process later in this session.

Enhanced Curriculum

We are proud to share with you our enhanced curriculum for 2023-24. In it you will find:

  • A list of all our study clubs – we strongly advise students to attend these to stay on track to achieve success
  • A wide range of extra curricular groups – there is something for everyone, and if your child would like to start a new group, please ask them to contact their Pupil Support Leader.
  • A comprehensive set of sports opportunities through our link with Active Schools – remember to sign up to the club so they have any relevant medical information

We are pleased to launch our extra curricular bulletin. Please find them below.


2022 Senior Awards Ceremony

On Wednesday 14th September 2022 we had our senior awards ceremony. Current and former pupils, along with their friends and family joined staff for a wonderful evening where we celebrated over 170 achievements by our young people.

We were welcomed by some amazing pipers, wowed by musical performances and our Keynote Speaker Kieran Merrilees, and celebrated together with a drinks reception.

We look forward to many more events to come.