Our school

Below you will find a range of policies and procedures along with evaluations. If you require further information please do not hesitate to contact us.

LGBT Charter

We believe that Queensferry High School should be a welcoming and inclusive learning environment for members of the LGBT+ Community. We are currently working towards our Gold LGBT Charter award and are actively ensuring that the rights of LGBT young people are embedded throughout our learning community.

LGBT Charter of Rights

  • LGBT people have the right to be themselves and to live free from prejudice and discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression.
  • LGBT people have the right to be kept from harm and be protected from hate crime, bullying and other forms of violence.
  • LGBT people have the right to be heard, treated fairly and their views and experiences taken into account.
  • LGBT people have the right to be healthy, with equal access to healthcare, and the impact of prejudice and discrimination on health properly addressed.
  • LGBT people have the right to form relationships, free from abuse and with equality of recognition.
  • LGBT people have the right to privacy and information about sexual orientation and gender identity not disclosed to others, without consent to do so.
  • LGBT people have the right to education that recognises diversity and implements programmes that seek to eliminate prejudice on the grounds of sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression.
  • LGBT people have the right to be cared for free from prejudice and discrimination and in every setting.

For further details of how this is applied please see our Equalities Policy and QHS Communications Procedure.

EDGE Group

The Edge Group is our student led equalities group. It provides an opportunity for students to get involved with a range of equalities issues including LGBT+ issues. Interested students are welcome on a Thursday lunchtime in room 2.40.

Useful Organisations