Parent Council

The Parent Council is made up of a group of parents and carers who attend the Parent Council meetings with the Head Teacher and one of the Deputes.  These are held approximately five times a year as well as the AGM which is usually held in September.  The purpose of the Parent Council is to work to support the school, the Senior Leadership Team and to represent the views of parents and carers.   All meetings are open to all parents and carers as well as elected members of the local authority, who serve the catchment area of the school.

The Office Bearers for 2023/2024 are as follows:

Joint Chairpersons – Steven Budge and Claire Whyte

Treasurer – Susan Evans

Clerk – Jacky Knickelbein

The Parent Council have Year Group Reps to represent each year on the Parent Council.  Should you wish to raise a question with the Parent Council or for us to take forward with the Senior Leadership Team, please contact your Year Group Rep using the email addresses below:

Year group representativeEmail Address
S1 Emma
S2 Claire
S3 Sarah
S4 Lindsey
S5 Pam
S6 Steven